
Standard software tailored to size and precision

individual cut and personalization.

Set up PatOrg to best suit your way of working, from the personalized start page with your favorites to customized filters and lists to your own templates. You can also create your own workflow, for example by creating a specific type of task with one click.

React quickly and flexibly

Do you find yourself challenged by new requirements? With PatOrg you are well prepared for this. By adjusting data fields, filters, templates and workflows, processes can be easily redesigned and adapted to new circumstances.

Do you have ideas on how your organization could run more efficiently?

Then don't waste any time, because nothing is more valuable and go for it. To do this, create new templates, data fields, filters, workflows, lists and much more. To try it out, you can even easily create a playground from the image of your data including the configuration and implement new things in it. Whatever works well, simply copy it into the real environment.